Configuration Help

DAVE allows you to save certain configuration information for late use. This information is saved via the Write Configuration... menu option from the File menu on the Master Widget.

Choosing this menu option saves information about the current colors of the objects and their transparency. It also saves the current HOME position. In addition it saves the current viewing position. The current view is what will pop up if you redisplay the data based upon this configuration information (but once you change your view, the initial view will be lost unless it was specified as the HOME view rather than just the current view).If you want (at a view you like), you can push Set Home to change HOME to the current view and then save the configuration.

The values of many of the sliders (e.g. the brightness and opacity sliders) are also saved. But, be aware, ALL information is not saved (e.g. which objects are wireframe and which are surfaces, the light position, etc.). It also saves which widgets are up on the screen and their location.

This configuration file can be read back in with the -A command line option. You can edit the configuration file as desired with any editor (e.g., vi or zip). If you move a configuration file to your home directory and name it .daverc then DAVE will consult it for default initial settings (e.g., background color, paused or not, etc.). These default settings are overridden by any settings in a configuration file read in on the command line (-A option). Configuration files are small.

Hotkey Definitions

DAVE also has the capability of allowing the user to specify which operation to apply when any one of the function keys (F1 through F12) is pressed. This information can be added to the configuration file by the user. One line of text should be added for each key that is mapped. The format is: HOTKEY F# function_name. For example:

HOTKEY F2 translate_right

would cause the image to translate right whenever the F2 key is pressed.

The following operations can be mapped to a function key.

Some Operations

HELP - Displays the help page for the DAVE Master widget. return_home - Go Home. See the help on the DAVE Master widget. pause - The same as the Pause button on the Master widget. redraw - The same as the Redraw button on the Master widget. rambo_quit - Quit, without asking if you are sure. save_state - Save the current configuration in a buffer. restore_state - Restore the view to that saved in the configuration. NO_FUNCTION - No function. null_function - No function.

Crosshair Operations

brightest_cursor - Set intelligent crosshair to find the brightest voxel, see the help for the Edit Crosshair widget. object_cursor - Set intelligent crosshair to find the closest object, see the help for the Edit Crosshair widget. standard_cursor - Turn intelligent cursor off, see the help for the Edit Crosshair widget. brightest_crosshair - same as brightest_cursor. object_crosshair - same as object_cursor. standard_crosshair - same as standard_cursor.

Time Series Operations

next_image_in_series - Display next image in time series, see the help for the Stuff menu on the Master widget. reverse_series_direction - Change direction in the time series.

Operations Which Move The Image

translate_back - Move the object back, into the screen; the same as the Page Down key. translate_forward - Move the object forward ,out of the screen; the same as the Page Up key. translate_down - Move the object down, the same as the down arrow button on the Master widget. translate_up - Move the object up, the same as the up arrow button on the Master widget. translate_right - Move the object to the right, the same as the right arrow button on the Master widget. translate_left - Move the object to the left, the same as the left arrow button on the Master widget.

Display Operations

toggle_highresonly - Locks the display of a data plane (see Edit Data Planes) into high resolution (so it won't drop down into low resolution when rotating). A toggle. toggle_lowresonly - Locks the display of a data plane (see Edit Data Planes) into low resolution (so it won't go to high resolution when stopped). A toggle. toggle_static_window - Toggles on and off the static window display associated with the arbitrary cutting plane (see Edit Data Planes). toggle_crosshatch_increment - Changes how many crosshatches are displayed (e.g., 1 = every, 2 = every other, etc.). See Edit Misc Props from the Edit menu or -G command line option. toggle_wire_increment - Changes how many wireframes are displayed. See Edit Misc Props from the Edit menu or -g command line option. toggle_plane_increment - Changes how many z data planes are displayed. See -o command line option. Only takes effect in highest resolution and when locked in Z mode (see Volume Debugging from the Volume Edit menu).

Data Analysis Operations

translate_roi - Translate the region of interest, see ROI Analysis on the Goodies menu of the Master widget. recalc_roi - Recalculate the statistics for the region of interest, see ROI Analysis on the Goodies menu of the Master widget. translate_recalc_roi - Translate the ROI and then recalculate statistics.

Communication Operations

test_sockets - Test the communication software. For debugging.

Unknown Operations

connect_z - Unknown. Don't use.

NOTE: It is fairly easy to map existing functions to a key. If you have a function which you want mapped, but you don't see it in the above list, let us know.

NOTE: saving the configuration does not save information about objects the user has interactively added to the scene (such as arrows and scale bars using the Edit Other Objects widget). That information must be saved using the Write Objects... menu option from the File menu on the Master widget.

NOTE: some configuration information, such as volume clipping and z-clipping slider positions, may be incompatible with new data sets which are of a different size. You can edit these out of your .daverc file if desired.

Copyright 1995 by Lawrence M. Lifshitz and the University of Massachusetts Medical School. All rights reserved.