Edit Data Planes Help

This widget is useful if you want to display XY, YZ, or XZ planes of volume data. It also allows one arbitrarily oriented plane through the volume. Note: calculation time and memory usage can be very high when the arbitary data plane is turned on. You can view these data planes simultaneously if desired.


This button turns on or off the specified data plane.


This button changes the data plane from wire (i.e., just an outline) to surface (i.e., volume data values).


Clicking on this button pops up a color widget for changing the outline (wire) color of the data plane.

All Planes

The buttons here act the same as the above buttons but apply to all 4 (YZ, XZ, XY, and Arbitrary) data planes.


This pops up a widget which allows the user to change the position of the YZ, XZ, and XY data planes. It also allows the user to change the position and orientation of the arbitarily oriented data plane.

Data Plane Properties Menu

Wire Width

This menu item pops up a widget to control the width of the outlines.

Fraction Arb. Visable

This menu item pops up a widget to control the size of the arbitrarily oriented data plane (i.e., the fraction of the plane which is visible).

Clib to Volume

When chosen, this causes the size of the data plane cross-sections to be controlled by the volume clipping sliders. Thus, if you are only looking at a small subset of the data volume (and only want the data plane to also reflect this small subset), pick this item.

Z Equals Intensity

When chosen, it causes the intensity at each pixel to control the height of the pixel. This allows an "exploded" 3D graph of a 2D cross-section of the data. Oftentimes it is useful to combine this with a custom colormap. The -p option on the command line automatically causes this option to be set (although sometimes -p sets in on the menu but not in the code, then just unclick and reclick it). NOTE: the spatial resolution is still controlled from the widget which pops up when Edit... is pressed.

Draw Plane Outline With Surf

Causes a wireframe outline to be drawn around the cross-sectional surface.

Plane Transparency

Allows modification of the transparency of a cross-sectional data plane.


When this is set (and Z Equals Intensity is set) the surface becomes shaded (i.e. normals are calculated and the surface is lit). You may need to press Redraw on the master widget to see this change. Currently it also only sets whichever mode you are in (single buffer if paused or double buffer if moving). If you want to set shading in the other mode, go into the other mode via the Master widget's Goodies->Single buffer - moving" or "Single buffer paused" entries (and then unset and reset the Shading button). I usually just uncheck "single buffer - paused" before setting the shading, this causes DAVE to stay in double buffer mode even when paused (i.e., all the time). This also helps, since it seems like shading in single buffer mode, even when working, is much dimmer for some reason than in double buffer mode. NOTE: currently having the time series bar up (from Series Widget's menu) when this is set (at least if custom color maps are used) seems to cause the entire picture to go red.
Copyright 1995 by Lawrence M. Lifshitz and the University of Massachusetts Medical School. All rights reserved.