Series Widget Help

This widget is used to manipulate multiple 3D images (e.g., a time series of 3D images) or surfaces. Multiple images are specified on the DAVE command line, each preceded with a -I option flag. Alternatively, if you have an image which is already in 4D format, use the -4 option to DAVE. The first three of these images are automatically called image 1, 2, and 3 and are displayed in green, red and blue (assuming two or three image are given; if only one image is specified then it is displayed in grayscale by default). If more than three images are specified, or if you want to switch the order of the display of the images (or if you have read in a series of surfaces with the -i and -e options), then you should use this widget.


This box specifies which image should be considered as the current "image 1" (and thus displayed in green and controlled by the Edit Volume widget). The a click on the arrows will advance (or decrease) the image number. Alternatively you can type the number into the box. Clicking on the double arrow below the box will switch you with the previous image which was "image 1". Thus you can easily toggle back and forth between two images repetitively by simply clicking on the double arrow repetitively.


The same as IMAGE 1 above, except for "image 2".


The same as IMAGE 1 above, except for "image 3".


The same as IMAGE 1 above, except for any surfaces which have been specified with the -i and -e command line options.


If this button is pressed (highlighted in yellow), then when DAVE plays through the series of data (see below) this entry will not change. Thus if you want to see how one 3D image compares to all of the other images, you can select it as, say, "image 1". Then press its "Keep" button. Then press GO.


Automatically increment each of the data sets in "IMAGE 1", "IMAGE 2", and "SURFACE". Certain aspects of this are controlled from the mode options in the Series Menu. Pressing the space bar (when the cursor is in the main DAVE drawing window) is equivalent to GOing one step. Pressing control-space backs you up one.


Stop playing through the data series.

Series Menu

Lock Series

If selected, then whenever you change an entry in IMAGE 1, IMAGE 2, or SURFACE, the entries in the other two boxes will automatically change in a similar manner. For example, if you click on the right arrow below IMAGE 1, the values in the IMAGE 2 and SURFACE boxes (if applicable) will also increment. Note: when you press GO to AUTOMATICALLY play through a series the three boxes are locked together regardless of the setting of this menu item; unless a Keep button is depressed.

Rock Time Series

If checked, then DAVE will rock back and forth through the data series (i.e., go forward until the end, then go back to the beginning, etc.) rather than its default which is to repetitively go through the data forward.

Rock Time Series Range

When chosen, prompts you for a range of time points which will be rocked between. For example: 0 to 19 will rock between the first 20 time points, ignoring any higher numbered planes.

Show Time Series Bar

Displays a red bar at the bottom of the DAVE viewing window. The position of the small white bar within the red bar is a visual indication of the which time point is currently being displayed.

Track Time Series Points

Objects in DAVE are comprised of an ordered list of points (vertices). Typically the list defines a series of closed contours (enclosing a volume of interest) which can then be drawn as a wireframe or a surface. However, sometimes each volume of interest is really just a point; and the points in the object represent where the volume is at different times. To use this option, first position the crosshair on the desired object: 1). show the crosshair (Edit->Crosshair->Show) 2). either click on an object name (in the Object widget) or click (with the middle mouse button) near the the object in the viewing window. Now, if you have chosen this option, as you change the time frame being displayed (via the Series widget), the crosshair will automatically move to the point in the object corresponding to the displayed time frame (e.g., if we are displaying time 10, the crosshair will move to the 11th point in the object; 11 since time starts counting at 0).

Copyright 1995 by Lawrence M. Lifshitz and the University of Massachusetts Medical School. All rights reserved.